
Sympalog is a pioneer in the field of voice technology. Testimony to the wealth of experience are several awards of independent organizations such as the „IST prize” or the „Voice Award” – but most notably there are numerous Sympalog speech dialog systems in running operation: They form the ideal interface between the user and different data sources or programs.

The Sympalog solutions excel because of their high level of user acceptance: in more ways than one our systems have demonstrated that they can handle greater volumes and more complex requests than conventional menu-driven systems. Users can speak naturally, ask questions and interrupt the system at any time.

Sympalog emerged from a group of top-class specialists from the chair of pattern recognition at the university of Erlangen-Nuremberg. There, they developed the first natural speech-driven telephone information system of its kind in the world (train information, 1993). Sympalog Voice Solutions GmbH has been active on the market since 2003 in order to turn their experience and their technology into commercial solutions.